The Foundations in Faith resource incorporates all of these elements. The package of materials is structured around each period of the RCIA process and the Lectionary. It provides a holistic and complete resource for RCIA parishes assisting those involved in the process to make connections between the word, celebration of the Mass, Church teaching and the needs of individuals.
The Foundations in Faith package is primarily made up of:
The heart of this resource is the Catechist Manuals for the Catechumenate for Years A, B and C. The manuals are arranged according to the Sundays of the Year, the Solemnities of the Lord and Major Feasts of each Liturgical Year. For each Sunday or celebration the manual provides background information for catechists on the elements of Church teaching arising out of the readings. This background material assists catechists prepare for the sessions they will have with the catechumens or candidates. Following this background material is a catechetical structure for both Dismissal and extended catechesis. This structure for catechesis sessions provides introductory comments, reflection questions and points for discussion.
For flexibility and adaptability each manual contains a topical index enabling catechists to find scriptural references to the various topics that need covering on the formational journey.
The Foundations in Faith package also includes resource manuals on the other periods within the RCIA process, each one covering Years A, B, and C. These manuals contain much valuable material. For instance, the Resource book for Purification and Enlightenment contains retreat day / session ideas, prayers, the ritual celebrations, reflections on each part of the Triduum and handouts for catechumens. The Resource book for Mystagogy provides reflection material and handouts for each Sunday of Easter, background material on this period, preparation material and much more. The handbooks for Sponsors, Catechists, Inquirers, Neophytes and on Prayer also provide useful information. Sponsors, for example, are given reflection material on being a good listener, sharing faith and life, introducing ministry and much more. The handbook on Prayer introduces the concept of prayer, journal writing, setting up a sacred space, and much more.
The Foundations in Faith material can be viewed by clicking here. Scroll down to the ‘Foundations in Faith’ section.
Unfortunately, international customers cannot order through the website. You will need to contact Donna Glasser,, 0011 614 607 2617.
Because the resources are quite expensive, a suggestion would be to simply buy the resources for each liturgical year as it comes around.